Tuesday, September 14, 2010

About Us

Our blog is meant for university students who have not decided what they want to major in. Our focuses are Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Our goal is to provide students with knowledge about these subjects to give them a gist to aid their decision. It’s a blog for students by tudents. The eclectic and generally undecided nature of our group should provide a a cultivating environment for this goal.

Our group thinks that citing our sources is very important to not only uphold the integrity of what we’re writing but also the development of our arguments. By having citations we can give credit to where we pulled our research from. Citing our sources are a way for our readers to further research our topic and appreciate the works of others that have influenced us in writing our particular subject.

For our blog, we have decided to cite our sources at the end of each article. Also we will use hyperlinks within the article if we feel it’s necessary for quicker access to our sources.

Here’s an introduction

Here's an introduction to the members of our group:

Open fields, crickets chirping, and mama’s home cooking; I connect these memories with my hometown, Dunn, North Carolina. I love UNC and all of its diversity but I still get that secret smile when I hear the slip of a southern accent. My name is Ashleigh Dorman and I am a 5’9” fiery red head who enjoys playing tennis and has a knack for business. I am majoring in Economics and hope to get a masters degree in Accounting and later become a CPA. I am also minoring in Entrepreneurship so that I can gain the knowledge needed to open my very own drive-in movie theatre. This has always been a dream of mine so that teens and adults alike can watch new movies in a classic, old-fashioned way.
My name is Ashley Contreras and I am a sophomore at UNC-CH majoring in Nursing with hopes of specializing in Neonatal. Children and their development have always been an interest to me and that is partially one of the reasons I want to get in to the neonatal field. I love being around children and watching them reach their milestones in life.I plan to go to graduate school and become a neonatal nurse practitioner. I have lived in North Carolina all my life in a small town called Wendell. Although I love North Carolina, I hope to on day travel to under developed countries and provide health care to women and their children.
Hi my name is Kelsey Kolojejchick and I am a sophomore from Larksville, PA. I am currently on the field hockey team at UNC and I am undecided but plan on majoring in Communications.

My name is Joe Weitz and I’m a freshman at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. I plan double majoring in Art and Environmental Studies and intend to use this interdisciplinary approach to attend graduate school at the University of British Columbia - Vancouver to study architecture. I’m from Durham, North Carolina, where I attended Riverside High School and played soccer and lacrosse. I’ve lived in North Carolina all my life and love it here, however, I’d rather be backpacking in Alaska or skiing In British Columbia. I enjoy anything that challenges me and puts me out of my comfort zone. I’ve found that these experiences have taught me the most about life and myself. As with the rest of the group, this is my first blogging experience and I’m not exactly sure how to approach it, but I’m looking forward to the challenge even though it’s on a computer and not a mountain.

Hey, my name is Davis Rainey. I am a freshmen at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where I plan on majoring in business. I am from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where I attended RJ Reynolds High School. There I played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. I have never blogged before but am eager and excited to try it over the course of this semester.

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